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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ৮ নভেম্বর ২০২৩

আন্তর্জাতিক জার্ণালে প্রকাশিত প্রবন্ধ

ক্রমিক প্রবন্ধের নাম লেখক জার্ণালের নাম ভিউ/ডাউনলোড

Active Faulting in Raghunandan Anticline, NE Bengal Basin, Implications for future earthquake hazards

Ahsan, Aktarul  

NASA Astrophysics Data System/ American Geophysical Union 2015

২।  Subduction Initiation and the Rising of the Shillong Plateau Ahsan, Aktarul

Earth and Planetary Science Letters (2020)

৩। GNSS characterization of hydrological loading in South and Southeast Asia Ahsan, Aktarul

Geophysical Journal International (2020)

৪। Preliminary observations from the 3 January 2017, Mw 5.6 Manu, Tripura (India) earthquake Ahsan, Aktarul

Journal of Asian Earth Sciences

৫। Evaluation of environmental radioactivity in soils around a coal burning power plant and a coal mining area in Barapukuria, Bangladesh: Radiological risks assessment Habib, M.A., Khan, R. & Phoungthong, K.,  Chemical Geology
৬। Intrinsic characteristics of coal combustion residues and their environmental impacts: A case study for Bangladesh Majlis, A. B. K., Habib, M.A., Khan, R., Phoungthong, K., Techato, K., Islam, M. A., Nakashima, S., Islam, A. R. M. T., Hood, M. M., & Hower, J. C.,  Fuel
৭। Simultaneous appraisals of pathway and probable health risk associated with trace metals contamination in groundwater from Barapukuria coal basin, Bangladesh  Habib, M.A., Islam, A.R.M.T., Bodrud-Doza, M., Mukta, F.A., Khan, R., Siddique, M.A.B., Phoungthong, K., Techato, K. Chemosphere
৮। Assessment of natural radioactivity in coals and coal combustion residues from a coal-based thermoelectric plant in Bangladesh: Implications for radiological health hazards Habib, M.A., Basuki, T., Miyashita, S., Bekelesi, W., Nakashima, S., Techato, K., Khan, R., Majlis, A.B.K., Phoungthong, K.,  Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
৯। Distribution of naturally occurring radionuclides in soil around a coal-based power plant and their potential radiological risk assessment Habib, M.A., Basuki, T., Miyashita, S., Bekelesi, W., Nakashima, S., Phoungthong, K., Khan, R., Rashid, M.B., Islam, A.R.M.T., Techato, K

Radiochimica Acta

১০। Surface Water Nitrogen Load Due to Food Production-Supply System in South Asian Megacities: A Model-based Estimation.(Book Chapter)

Haque, S.J.; Onodera, S.; Shimizu, Y. 

Advances and Trends in Agricultural Sciences Vol. 1, Chapter 13, Print ISBN: 978-81-934224-3-4, eBook ISBN: 978-93-89246-17-9, DOI: 10.9734/bpi/atias/v1, p123-132.

১১। Hydrogeology of the lower Dupi Tila Aquifer of Dhaka City Bangladesh, The hydrogeological and hydrochemical characterization. Book Haque, S.J LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing; ISBN: 978-3-659-76362-5;https://www.lap-publishing.com/catalog/details//store/gb/book/978-3-659-76362-5/hydrogeology-of-the-lower-dupi-tila-aquifer-of-dhaka-city,-bangladesh
১২। Groundwater Quality Aspect Owing to Urbanization in Langat Basin (Kajang, Semenyih) Malaysia.  Haque, S.J.; Roslan, N. Asian Journal of Environment & Ecology 4(2): 1-9, 2017; Article no.AJEE.36049 ISSN: 2456-690X DOI: 10.9734/AJEE/2017/36049.
১৩। Standard Palynological Slides From Contemporary Flowers of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Palynology poster Haque, S.J.; Rahman, S.M.H. GSA ( Geological Society of America) Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, USA (1-4 November 2015)  abs vol. 47, no. 7, Paper no. 44-6, T146.

An Overview of the Effects of Urbanization on the quantity and Quality of Groundwater in South Asian Megacities, 

Haque, S.J.; Onodera, S.;  Shimizu, Y. Limnology, Springer,  DOI 10.1007/s10201-012-0392-6.

Urbanization and Water Quality in South Asian Megacities, (Poster).

Haque, S.J.; Onodera, S.;  Shimizu, Y. Annual Conference of Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU), Tokyo, Japan,May 22-27, 2011, at Makuhari, Chiba, Japan. AHW026-P05.
১৬। Hydrochemical Characterization of the Lower Dupi Tila Aquifer of Dhaka, Bangladesh.  Haque, S.J.; Hasan, M.A.; Ahmed , K.M.; Hoque,  M.A. Geoscience for Global Development (GeoDev) Bangladesh October 26-31, 2009 Page- 352
১৭। Riposte of the Lower Dupi Tila Aquifer to Overexploitation in Dhaka, Bangladesh.  Haque, S.J.;  Hasan, M.A.; Ahmed , K.M.; Rahman, M.M Geoscience for Global Development (GeoDev) Bangladesh October 26-31, 2009 page-358
১৮। Digital Elevation Modeling of Saint Martin Island, Bangladesh: A Method Based on Open Source Google Earth Data. Faruk Hossain

International Journal of Advanced Research 6(2)

DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/6449
১৯। Geoethics: Perspective Bangladesh Mohammad Omer Faruk Khan Engineering Geology for Society and Territory – Volume 7,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09303-1_6, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014
২০। Geology and Precambrian Banded Iron Formations formed at Rangpur Platform in Bangladesh. Masum. M, M, Hoque. M.N, Akbar. M.A, Mahmud. Z, Rana.M.S, Razzaque. M.A Amin. M.A

International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, vol. 17(03), 2021, pp 43-57.

২১। Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) -A Pilot Study at Certain Area of Jamalganj Coal Basin, Joypurhat District, Bangladesh ) Masum. M, Hoque. M.N, Akbar. M.A, Mahmud. Z. Amin. M.A, Razzaque. M.A and Ahsan. K

Saudi Journal of Civil Engineering (SJCE) | Volume-4;-Issue-09. DOI : 10.36348/sjce.2020.v04i09.005.

২২। Peat Resources, its Quality and Condition of Deposition, Bijoynagar Upazila, B’Baria District, Bangladesh Masum. M, Haque M. N, Sayem. M.A, Rana.M. S, Hasan. M .F,  Sheik. M. R and Paul. A. K 

BASR01(04),Page 124-128. ASD Publisher. www. Asd pub. Com /index. php/basr

২৩। Peat Resources, Condition of Deposition as Well as their Utilization, Hakaluki Haor, Moulvibazar and Sylhet District, Bangladesh Masum. M, Khan. M.O.F, Haque M. N, Hasan M. F, Sayem. M.A, and Hossain. A  International Journal of Science, Technology and Society. Science Publication Group Vol.2,No.6,2014,pp.210-15.doi:10.11648/j.ijsts.20140206.18.
২৪। Geothermal Gradient Calculation Method: A Case Study of Hoffel Low-temperature Field,South-east Iceland. Masum M. International Journal of Geology and Mining.4(6).163-175. DOI: http:/dx.doi.org/10.14303/irjgm.2014.026
২৫। Geothermal Gradient  and Geology of Hoffel Low-temperature Field,
South-east Iceland
Masum. M. Geothermal Training Programme (UNU-GTP) Iceland, 2013
২৬। Low-Temperature Geothermal system in Sedimentary basin and Their Prospect in Bangladesh Masum. M. World geothermal congress, Melbourne, Australia, 19-25 April, 2015. In Proceedings World Geothermal Congress (pp. 19-25)
২৭। The Significance of Peat Deposits in Evaluating the Recent Environmental and Climatic Conditions in the Bangladesh Part of Bengal Basin. Masum. M, Khan M. O. F. BASR01(04),Page 112-115. ASD Publisher.
২৮ Limestone Deposits and Its Economic Importance at Panchbibi Area of Joypurhat District, Bangladesh. Masum. M, Uddin MN,  Haque M. N,   Sabuj MN,  Shahariar M H and  Sheik. MR,  International Journal of Economy, Energy and EnvironmentScience Publication Group, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2016, pp. 34-39. doi: 10.11648/j.ijeee .20160102. 13
২৯ Generic Classification of Hoars in the Northeastern Part of Bengal Basin, Bangladesh. Masum M., Khan M.O.F. Recent Advances in Geo-Environmental Engineering, Geomechanics and Geotechnics, and Geohazards. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation (IEREK Interdisciplinary Series for Sustainable Development). Springer, Cham
৩০ The Pacific Ring of Fire is Working as a Home Country of Geothermal
Resources in the World
Mohammed Masum and Md. Ali Akbar IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
৩১ Facies association and paleo depositional environment of the exposed Neogene
succession in the Sitapahar Anticline of Rangamati Area, Chittagong Tripura Folded
Belt (CTFB) region, Bengal Basin, Bangladesh
Minhazul Abedin Shakik* and K. M. Imam Hossain Journal of Nepal Geological Society, 2023, Vol. 66, pp. 53–60